More back to normal from June 15th
Friday it was finally confirmed that gyms can re-open from June 15th! We will go back to normal opening hours, and all annual cards, puch passes etc will be activated.
While things will be more normal from tomorrow morning (Monday 15.06) there are still some changes/rules that need to be followed:
- The most important is that people who are sick or in quarantene stay at home, that everyone maintain good hygiene (wash your hands!) and keep your distance to other people (at least one meter).
- We need to keep records of who has been training in case there is a disease outbreak. Thus, everyone have to remember to scan their cards as soon as they arrive at the gym. It is no longer possible to pay for a friend with your punch pass, it can only be used by yourself. People buying drop-in need to be registered with name and phone number.
- We can not let more people into the gym, so that it's no longer possible to maintain the one meter rule. This is not likely to become a problem during the summer, but we will have to monitor the situation, and may have to introduce booking at the most popular training times later on. Train during the day-time if you can! It's cheaper and there's no queue on the boulders!
- Locker-rooms, showers and saunas are open again, but the one meter rule applies here as well, and people need to wipe down their lockers after use. We have to clean surfaces regularly, and despite not always having employees of each gender at work, we still need to go into the locker rooms to clean. We will knock and let you know we are coming, but we recommend that the door to the showers is kept close when the shower is used.
- Equippment in the training room needs to be sprayed with desinfectant and wiped down after use. Maximum 10 people in the training room at once.
- If you bring children, it is your responsibility that they wash their hands and keep distance to other people.
- We have to adjust our prices slightly. The new price for adult drop-in evenings/weekend will be NOK 125, the punch pass will be NOK 1030, while drop-in for children from 3 years old will be NOK 85. The prices for monthly and annual cards and day-time drop-in on weekdays will remain the same as before.